Thursday, October 31, 2013

Brazilian Style Coffee


Cafezinho is coffee Brazilian style. Per capita consumption of coffee is higher in Brazil than in any other country in the world. (Brazil also produces and exports more coffee than anywhere else.) Served in homes, offices, stores, and countless coffee bars and cafes, cafezinho has been enjoyed by generations of Brazilians.


To make it, a saucepan dedicated to making coffee is used to bring a mixture of water and sugar almost to the boil over medium heat. (Alternatively, sugar, may be added to the hot coffee later, in abundance, with a special small spoon.) Ground roast coffee-2 tablespoons for every 3/4 cup of fresh water-is added to the liquid, which is then stirred and poured through a traditional cloth coffee strainer. The hot coffee is served in a demitasse cup. In Brazil, twelve to fourteen of these small cups of cafezinho may be consumed in a day. 



Turkish Market-USA - Don't look for inspiration, Be the inspiration.


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